Friday, August 14, 2015

Pauline's Summer Barbecue List

It felt silly to add "Food" onto the list since that's a given...

Anyway, you can't have a good summer without a barbecue. It's just not allowed.

The list up there is what I consider makes a great barbecue asides from the burgers, sausages and steaks on the grill.

British people complaining constantly about the weather happens a lot because we have something serious to complain about. The sun doesn't like us and, when it's out, it's scorching but barbecue ready. I don't understand the weather here and I don't think I ever will. 

Next point!
My go-to barbecue drink is beer; I am old enough, I like it and I consider myself to be quite responsible. If you're under the age limit then obviously don't have alcohol. Stick with cold fizzy drinks and juices. If you can, splash out on drinks like J2O. They taste so much better at a barbecue. Barbecues are a great excuse to eat and drink unhealthily without judgement from others. If they do judge you, they don't belong there. Eat and drink as much as you can handle, my friend!

"No restricting outfits"
"What does that mean?" I hear you ask.
If you and your friends are a hyped up bunch of people like my own then it is important that you are wearing something that isn't restricting your movement. Especially if you have friends with big gardens to do some running or a trampoline to jump on. Be a child! It's great.

1 comment:

  1. are english weather is cursed haha! great post live your style of writing
